Salsa aux tomates grillées et aux olives vertes

Grab the tortilla chips, because this zesty, homemade tomatillo and green olive salsa is so easy to make, and full of amazing fresh, tart, and briny flavor thanks to roasted tomatillos lime, cilantro, and green olives. I don’t know why but within one day I’ve become surrounded by the soon-to-be-wedded. I spent part of last week watching a wedding photography seminar as I worked along on my computer. The week before I was at a wedding fashion shoot. And I’ve been working with my bridal editor at my day job on our upcoming editorial calendar. Did this cloak of weddingness suddenly spread to those around me? I had to wonder because… This past weekend we had a great friend from our old hood in Venice visiting us. And he brought his girlfriend. To pop the big question. A semi-confirmed bachelor, our friend finally realized it was okay to let go of the trepidation of vacating his non-committed life. On Sunday, at 11,000 feet on a nearby mountain top he took to bended knee and proposed as I snapped away. He’s finally getting married? How can this be? He’s spent his life looking out for number one, while always on the lookout for number two, three or four. None of whom could measure up to the perfect partner mystery ideal. But he changed. Once he opened up enough to let her in she far exceeded his expectations. On Monday I teleported from an engagement on top of a mountain to one that we’ll be celebrating in the core of the deep south. I learned I have another wedding to plan for: the nuptials of the daughter of another best friend via my life in Los Angeles. This time in blues country of the Mississippi delta. Her daughter is getting married? How can that be? It was just a month or year or nearly a decade ago when she was getting caught sneaking into clubs on the Sunset Strip, hanging out with the children of LA’s beyond rich and famous whilst being dubbed the girl that kept them grounded. But she changed. She left the glitter and flash of her native Los Angeles to discover her roots in a small, very southern town that was not her own. She’s simplified and embraced where she is and who she’s with. Life is about change. Sometimes we can dictate that change, and sometimes it happens for us. I spend a lot of time thinking about change, sometimes willing it to happen (new opportunities for new creative growth) and sometimes resisting it (at her request, no longer calling my daughter by her nickname “Smudge” in front of people. Oh man, really? We’re already THERE?) So if we all crave change and new beginnings why is it so darn scary? I recently took a version of this salsa to Annalise’s baby shower and I was immersed in the reality of how her life is taking on a radical change, the same mine did nearly 8 years ago. It’s a change some have yearned for and others have adjusted to and one I would never trade. All of this change left me craving something other than the usual red tomato to create a perfectly acceptable salsa. Instead I went for a little something different. Not THAT different, maybe just a little less obvious. Getting to the fruit of tomatillos takes a little more work, and a little more time. A lot like the things we value most in life. Si vous réalisez cette recette, n’hésitez pas à me le faire savoir ! Laissez une note ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ pour cette recette ci-dessous et laissez un commentaire, prenez une photo et tag me on InstagramInstagram Pinterest Twitter.

Salsa aux tomates grillées et aux olives vertes
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Salsa aux tomates grillées et aux olives vertes


  • 1 tasse de coriandre
  • 1 tasse d'olives vertes
  • 1 1/2 livre de tomatillos (décortiqués)
  • 1 citron vert (avec son jus)
  • 1/3 de tasse d'eau
  • 1 cuillère à café de sucre
  • 6 gousses d'ail
  • 1/2 cuillère à café de sel casher
  • 2 piments jalapeno
  • * Remplacer les piments jalapeno par 1 piment serrano si vous souhaitez plus de piquant.
  • 1 cuillère à soupe d'huile d'olive


  • Chauffer le four à 475 degrés. Répartir les tomatillos, les gousses d'ail et le jalapeno sur une plaque à pâtisserie et les enduire uniformément d'huile. Faire rôtir pendant 15 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que les tomatillos soient dorés et boursouflés.
  • Retirer du four et placer les olives, la coriandre, le citron vert et le sucre dans un robot culinaire ou un mixeur. Pulser 5 à 7 fois. Ajouter l'eau et pulser encore 4 à 5 fois pour mélanger.
  • Placer dans un bol et servir avec des frites ou comme garniture sur des œufs, du poulet ou de la viande.


Calories: 153kcal Glucides: 16g Protéines: 3g Lipides: 11g Graisses saturées: 1g Sodium: 823mg Fibres: 5g Sucres: 9g Graisses insaturées: 9g Portion: 1 portion offre des informations nutritionnelles sur les recettes à titre de courtoisie et à titre indicatif uniquement. Ces informations proviennent de calculateurs en ligne. Bien que fasse tout son possible pour fournir des informations précises, ces chiffres ne sont que des estimations.